Filing or Renewing a Fictitious Business Name Statement

A Fictitious Business Name may be filed by mail or in person.

To File a FBN for the first time or to Renew a FBN with changes, follow these steps:

  1. Search the "Index of Fictitious Business Names" located at the County Clerk’s office, or visit our Fictitious Business Name Online Index, to ensure the name you intend to file is not already registered.

  2. Complete an official Fictitious Business Name filing form in blue or black ink. Click here for Fictitious Business Name Form (PDF Format)

  3. Present the completed form, along with payment at the customer counter, OR

    Send the completed form, along with a check made payable to Santa Cruz County Clerk and a self-addressed stamped (67 cents) envelope to:

    Santa Cruz County Clerk
    701 Ocean Street, Room 310
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060

    A triplicate copy of the Statement will be returned to you:
    • One is for your records.
    • One is for you to present to the publisher for publication in a local adjudicated newspaper. You must publish your FBN within 45 days for 4 consecutive weeks. Publication is required for first-time filers, renewals with changes, or if your FBN has expired. 
    • One is for you to present to your bank.

  4. Additional documentation is required for Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships and Corporations.


To Renew your FBN without changes, follow these steps:

  1. Complete an official Fictitious Business Name filing form in blue or black ink. Click here for Fictitious Business Name Form (PDF Format)
  2. Present the completed form, along with payment at the customer counter, OR

    Send the completed form, along with a check made payable to Santa Cruz County Clerk and a self-addressed stamped (67 cents) envelope to:

    Santa Cruz County Clerk
    701 Ocean Street, Room 310
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060

    A duplicate copy of the Statement will be returned to you:
    • One is for your records.. 
    • One is for you to present to your bank.
  3. Additional documentation is required for Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships and Corporations.
  4. You do not need to publish your FBN if you renew your statement without changes. 

The fee to register a Fictitious Business Name is: $50 for the first business name and owner name and $8 for each additional business name or owner name.

A Fictitious Business Name should be filed within 40 days of first transacting business. Once registered, it is effective for 5 years. You will need to re-register prior to the date of expiration or if the business location changes. Fictitious Business Names are filed only in the county where the business is located. State-wide registries do not exist.

For abandoning a Fictitious Business Name, please fill out this form: Fictitious Business Name Statement of Abandon and follow the above instructions just as you would to file a name

For withdrawing a partnership operating under a Fictitious Business Name, please fill out this form: Statement of Withdrawal from a Partnership Operating as a Fictitious Business Name

Click here for more information about Fictitious Business Names