Weddings FAQs
How much is a wedding ceremony?
$120. We only accept cash, check or money order
What is the difference between a public and a confidential wedding?
Public weddings require a witness. If you are not able to provide a witness, the County Clerk can provide one for $25. The license is a public record and it is recorded with the County Recorder. Confidential weddings are for couples who are living together. No witness is required. The license is recorded with the County Clerk, and it is a sealed record. Licenses are issued by the County Clerk. Cost is $90. Cash, check or money order.
Who conducts the ceremony?
Our deputy commissioners of civil marriage will conduct the ceremony and make sure the license is completed correctly. We will then take the license to the appropriate office for recording. Certified copies of the recorded license can be obtained for a fee from the Recorder for public licenses and the County Clerk for confidential licenses.
Where is the ceremony held?
Ceremonies are held in the Peace, Love, and Happiness wedding room located at 701 Ocean Street, on the 3rd floor. Ceremonies may also be held outside the building at the adjacent park or courtyard. Couples must check in with the County Clerk in Room 310.
How many people can I invite to my wedding?
Until further notice, the PLH Wedding Room will be limited to the couple and one witness. Weddings held in the PLH Wedding Room may be broadcast live on the internet for friends and family who can’t be with you to watch your wedding. Outdoor weddings are limited to the couple and 4 witnesses, weather permitting. Please call our office for further informations.
Are appointments required?
Appointments are required from wedding ceremonies. You can book your ceremony online at or call us at 831-454-2060. Appointments are required to obtain a marriage license. You can book your marriage license at
Do we need to have wedding rings?
Wedding rings are optional.